Our Story
PACT uses the power of large organized people to hold public officials accountable to create systemic change in Miami-Dade County. PACT is a ‘direct action’ organization, it hosts large community assemblies where public officials are encouraged to adopt solutions to serious problems.
PACT identifies issues through an extensive 'Listening Process' reaching more than 1,500 members. After the listening process, PACT members vote on 2-3 problem areas to focus on for the year. Once PACT members achieve victory on a campaign, leaders put in place a series of checks and measure to ensure that progress is made. Public officials remain accountable even after the original objective has been fulfilled.
Member Driven
PACT is member driven at every level. Its general board is composed of two representative from each congregation and organization. PACT has seven elected officers who serve on the Executive Board. These individuals and the issues PACT address are determined democratically by a vote. This ensures that PACT’s board is reflective of the diversity in Miami-Dade County, and that its leaders are internally accountable. PACT’s member congregations are also diverse in size and religious affiliation. Many of PACT’s congregations are in lower income areas; our campaigns focus on issues which affect low to moderate income people.